Advanced Placement

Advanced Placement courses follow a prescribed syllabus developed and audited by the College Board. AP courses are designed to equate to the initial year of college/university study in a given subject. Students who score a 3 or above, out of a possible high score of 5, generally indicate that a student is “qualified” for college-level coursework; a 4 indicates a student is “well qualified”; and a 5 indicates a student is “extremely well qualified”. Therefore, a student scoring a 3 generally receives advanced placement, or college credit, from colleges and universities. The most competitive colleges and universities often require an AP score of 4 or 5 prior to granting credit.

  AP Enrollees
Total 718  
Historically Underperformed    
IEP 29 4.0%
EL 0 0.0%
ED 59 8.2%
Male 328 45.7%
Female 390 54.3%
AI or AN 0 0.0%
Asian 52 7.2%
Black 8 1.1%
Hispanic 16 2.2%
MultiRacial 31 4.3%
White 611 85.1%
NH or API 0 0.0%
Migrant 0 0.0%