MTLSD Emergency Operations Plan
The Mt. Lebanon School District (District) is committed to the safety and security of students, employees, and visitors on its school campuses. The Emergency Operations Plan that follows is the result of a comprehensive review and update of school safety practices, procedures, and policies.
This plan is a blueprint that relies on the commitment and expertise of individuals within and outside of the school community. The District’s continued partnership with the Mt. Lebanon Fire Department, Mt. Lebanon Police Department, Medical Rescue Team South, and St. Clair Health are essential to the success of this plan and the ongoing monitoring of emergency management best practices for schools.
The Mt. Lebanon School District is committed to creating a safe and positive environment at each of our 10 schools. According to Goal #4 of the 2019-2025 MTLSD Strategic Plan: For students to learn and demonstrate their knowledge, skills, and abilities, the District must foster a safe, welcoming, and inclusive environment in each of its schools.
This plan reflects current safety planning, resources, needs, and events and was developed in partnership with the Mt. Lebanon Police and Fire Departments. It is based on best practices and is aligned with Mt.Lebanon, Allegheny County, Pennsylvania, and national safety planning. The District is required to provide a continuum of efforts to prevent, plan, and practice for a variety of potential incidents and hazards.
The completed Mt. Lebanon School District Emergency Operations Plan is shared with Mt. Lebanon Police, Mt. Lebanon Fire, Allegheny County, and the Pennsylvania Attorney General’s Office to mitigate, prepare for, respond to, and recover from incidents at our schools, as well as community wide disasters.
Mt. Lebanon School District Emergency Operations Plan