Weather Delays/Closings

When emergencies, such as weather conditions or power failures, require the delay or closing of school, notice is given as early as possible. Weather closings and delay notices are usually made by 6:00 a.m.

Typically, when school is cancelled, after-school and evening activities are also cancelled.

Parent and Guardian Notification

In the event of a school delay or closing, parents will receive communication from the District's Emergency Phone Alert System to the primary phone number listed with the school. Additionally, there will be notices posted on our homepage, official social media pages, and on various media outlets.

The success of this system depends on accurate contact information obtained from school records. If your information has changed, please update your phone numbers in the Dashboard or by contacting the building secretary.

Kindergarten Schedule Changes

On days when a two-hour delay is called, morning kindergarten will be in session from 10:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. and afternoon kindergarten will be in session from 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Information Sources for a Delay or Closing

  • MTLSD website:
  • School District Cable Channels 19 (Comcast) and 33 (Verizon)
  • Mt. Lebanon Public Access Channels 7(Comcast) and 35 (Verizon)
  • KDKA TV and; WPXI TV and; WTAE TV and
  • KDKA Radio 1020 AM
  • Facebook, Twitter

Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs)

In accordance with State regulations regarding Flexible Instructional Days (FIDs), the District must first utilize the school cancellation make-up day that is included in the District calendar before a FID can be declared. If there is a need to cancel school for any reason, e.g., snow or cold, prior to the the make-up day in the calendar, that day will be made up as a normal school day on the snow make-up day built into the calendar.  All other school cancellations will be made up at the end of the school year as noted on the District calendar unless a Flexible Instructional Day is called.

  • A Flexible Instructional Day may be used for a weather or building emergency that requires us to close our schools, while providing instruction virtually to our students rather than in the classroom.

  • In the event of a weather emergency, the District plans to implement FIDs when school is cancelled due to extreme cold.  

  • You will be notified of a Flexible Instructional Day in the same way you receive notification of delayed starts and cancellations (text, call and/or email) with the message “Schools Closed-Flexible Instructional Day.” 

  • These days will count as a full day of school and will not have to be rescheduled later in the year.  

  • For more information see our FID FAQ Sheet.