Home Education

In addition to attending the District or private schools, families in Pennsylvania have the option of providing Home Education or Private Tutoring to their children.  These options are guided by Pennsylvania School Code and District policy.  Detailed information is available on the PA Department of Education website.  If you are considering Home Education (often called home schooling) or Private Tutoring for your child, please review the guidance and policies linked above. There are specific procedures to follow and forms to be filed with the Superintendent’s office for each option.  Forms may be submitted in person, electronically to kwalters@mtlsd.net or by mail to:

Office of the Superintendent
7 Horsman Drive
Pittsburgh, PA  15228

Home education affidavits must be submitted in advance of commencing with an Home Education program and thereafter on or before August 1.  Program evaluations are due each year by June 30. Standardized tests are required for home schooled students in grades 3, 5 and 8.

For additional questions, please contact Dr. Joseph Sciullo, Assistant Superintendent for Elementary Education, at 412-344-2027 or jsciullo@mtlsd.net.

Helpful Resources

The following information is a quick reference intended to help families get started with home education. 

The PA Department of Education website is a good source of information and resources for home education.

There is a link on this site to the Home Education and Private Tutoring Guide that provides a wealth of information and other links that can support home education families.