Resources for Local Unit PTA Presidents and Bylaws Chairs
Bylaws revisions
For help revising your unit's bylaws or standing rules, contact the Council PTA Bylaws Committee chair and also see the information below.
Mt. Lebanon Council and Unit Bylaws Schedule
Check this chart to see when your unit's bylaws are due for revisions.
Guidelines for Bylaws
Local Unit Bylaws Model
Keeping your unit in good standing
PA PTA has created a new chart to help keep all of us in “good standing” with both National and PA PTA. For more information on Standards of Affiliation, see the presentation link below.
PTA Standards of Affiliation Chart
Unit PTA Presidents should complete a new copy of this form each year and keep it in their binder as a reminder of what needs to be done. It's recommended you also give a copy to your Bylaws chair and Treasurer as they have duties involved with this chart, too.
PA PTA Standards of Affiliation Presentation
This is the slide show presented by PA PTA put in one easy-to-read document
These are the two resources documents listed in the slide show:
National PTA Election Guide
IRS Guide to 501(c)3